Embrace the experience and accept it for what it is.
1. Research the host country and culture where you will be living
Being familiar with the culture and keeping abreast of the way of life in a country – before arriving there – is paramount to getting acclimatized. Taking the time to read, observe and educate yourself about your future place of abode, its customs, norms and public etiquette will make the transition a lot easier.
2. Learn the language
It goes without saying that if you are planning to live in a country where your mother tongue is not spoken, you should at least know the basics of the language. Having some knowledge of the language will be a great asset, especially during your first few days and weeks of settling into a new country. Learning the language can help you to be safer, as well as help prevent someone from taking advantage of you. Basic phrases and vocabulary that can come in handy are greetings, directions and commands.
3. Go out to explore
There is no better way to experience a country other than going out into the town and living the experience. Reading and watching videos can greatly assist, but getting out, immersing yourself, engaging with the locals and having different experiences will serve to accelerate your acclimatization to your new environment.
4. Build your community
It is highly likely that at some point during your stay, you may experience homesickness and yearn to return to your homeland. While some may be able to do so, it can be quite difficult, costly or simply not an option for others. Building a community comes in very handy in this situation. Whether it is joining clubs related to your interests or joining Facebook groups of people from your homeland that reside in your new adopted home, building a community is key to aiding in reducing and easing homesickness.
5. Socialize
When making the move to another country, we often forget that our friends and family are not coming with us. This can be extremely difficult when we arrive and reality sets in. Interacting with and meeting new people is a crucial and vital step to fully immersing into a new culture. These people will be your new neighbours, co-workers, friends and fellow countrymen. A few ways to meet new people include joining clubs and organizations, going to cafes, restaurants and bars and also volunteering.
Moving to a new country is no easy feat. There can be many challenges and hurdles; however, the experience and outcome are priceless. Following these tips can greatly assist you on your journey. Be sure to embrace the experience.