I began looking at other opportunities, applied for different jobs locally and abroad, all while praying a lot and asking for guidance and direction. I continued applying and interviewing for different roles, but nothing was working out. One day, while at the office, I had a breakdown and could not function anymore, I felt as if I were becoming a zombie, my health was suffering. I was part of a rat race and was questioning the meaning behind it. I knew there was much more to life and was determined to seek it. Imagine driving in traffic every day to get to a job where you were no longer motivated, you were doing everything asked of you, but all your division’s proposals were being side-lined because it just no longer fit the narrative of the leadership of the day. Fortunately for me, I had a supportive co-worker who completely understood and supported me that day of the breakdown. I knew it was the beginning of the end in that position. My health and mental well-being were much more important and I knew there was much more to life.
A couple months later, I submitted my resignation letter. It was met with some comments and push back from the ‘leader’ who evidently recognised the value that would be lost to the organisation, but who probably thought I would stick around anyway.
Look out for Part II in this 3-part series celebrating RMC’s 10-year journey.